Thursday, September 11, 2014

Imran Khan PTI

#IMRAN KHAN, a Legend in my eyes a real captain for our nation, for Pakistan he's roles are really important for our youth, i just want imran khan to be  the Prime Minister of Pakistan, and bring down this fake government who don't really care about his people, poor,needy people. I mean what is a government who does not care for his people? they should be ruled out at once, By the will of ALLAH and #HARDWORK of imran khan and his #PTI members, they really want the ASTEEFA *resignation* from nawaz shareef, and its for the people to open up there eyes and think about the country people of these country who don't have anything to eat, they don't get shelter to sleep, many people are homeless due to #FLOOD in Pakistan, Some of people have been provided with food but most of the people don't even have this eating facility, they are been told that food is on its way but nothing comes, i really hope that these people are provided with shelter and homes, i pity on all the people who lost their homes due to flood, May ALLAH grant them success and easy life ahead.

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