Sunday, September 14, 2014

Nawaz Shareef Gone!!!

#IMRANKHAN , nawaz shareef already a goner, he wont stay for long cause everyone in Pakistan realised that he wont do no good for this country he just want to fill his pockets, nawaz shareef went to the flooded areas in the country where ever he went there were people shouting "GO NAWAZ GO" it's really a shamefull thing that when a countries Prime minister is doing his speech and people starts to be like go nawaz go, well it's time for this Undemocratic Government to shut down and resign , and help this poor people who lost their homes in the flood, india informed 2 months before that they were gonna release the flooded water, what they did nothing now these poor people are suffering from this and not even food or water is delivered to them, i hope all these things are sorted out Professionally and peacefully ALLAH help our country and the people of this country, and give us that kind of leaders which will protect ,develop and raise our country Ameen.

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